UN Chose Neoloy Geocells for Airfield Reinforcement, S. Sudan
PRS Neoloy Geocell enabled UN to rehabilitate airfield, facilitating the delivery of critical aid to needy and distressed... (Read more)

Proven Track Stabilization Technology, Amtrak, USA
Amtrak used Neoloy Geocells to stabilize track degradation problems for high-speed passenger railroad operations... (Read more)

Comparing NPA Geocell Performance with other Geosynthetics
A comparative investigation using field and lab data demonstrates that the improvement value of Neoloy Geocells vs. other geosynthetics.... (Read more)
NPA Geocell Reinforced Embankment Tests (B. Leshchinsky and Ling 2010)
Summary of Neoloy Reinforced Embankment Tests, Technical Document, Columbia University, Leshchinsky, B., Ling H... (Read more)
Validating Neoloy’s Contribution to Sustainable Road Construction
Sustainable construction is a common goal for the construction industry and regulators due to its multiple benefits. Pokharel, et... (Read more)
Railway Life Cycle Benefits of Subgrade Reinforcement Using Geocell (Palese, Zarembski, et al, 2017)
As part of the US Federal Railway Administration (FRA) program to promote innovative technologies for high speed railways, Amtrak Railway,... (Read more)
NPA Geocell in Geogrid Field Trials – Highest Reinforcement Factor
This full-scale controlled field trial conducted by Kiwa (KOAC), the leading institute in Holland tested the deformation and stiffness of... (Read more)
Comparative “Rodeo” field test, on poorly-graded sand embankments for new highway construction
This comparative “Rodeo” field test, on poorly-graded sand embankments for new highway construction, conducted by Dr David White and others... (Read more)
Research: High-Modulus Geocells for Sustainable Highway Infrastructure
Studies and field tests validate that NPA (Neoloy®) Geocells improve road base modulus by 2.75x and reduce structural thickness by... (Read more)
Research: Neoloy Geocell Structural Pavement Reinforcement for Roads & Railways
The research demonstrating that Neoloy Geocells improve layer modulus by up to x5 and reduce total costs of pavement construction... (Read more)
Webinar – How to Design Paved Roads that Cost Less and Last Longer
The more challenging the conditions- the more effective Neoloy Geocell technology becomes.
With PRS Neoloy® Geocells Geo-Technical Solution, your paved road... (Read more)
Research: Design and Construction of PRS Neoloy Geocells Reinforced Mud Embankment
This study, by Sitharam and Hegde provides academic proof that geocell foundation is a suitable solution for reinforcing an... (Read more)
Research: Performance of shallow footing on geocell reinforcement clay bed
While deep foundation or ground improvement techniques are often used to construct in soft ground, they are often very costly.... (Read more)
Newsletter: How to Use Useless Sand to Build Roads
Sand is a poorly graded material.
Over 35% of the world is covered with sand. Today there is a proven technology... (Read more)
Geocell Reinforced Clay Bed (Hedge, Sitharam 2012)
Construction in soft, weak ground requires treating large areas to a greater depth to ensure the safety of the superstructure.... (Read more)
Research: Factors Influencing Deformations of Geocell Reinforcement on Recycled Asphalt Pavement
This study, by Sitharam and Hegde provides academic proof that geocell foundation is a suitable solution for reinforcing an embankment.... (Read more)
Newsletter: Building the New & Largest Mexico City International Airport Over a Swamp
Construction of 48 km of access roads for the new $9-billion airport surely is a challenge. Located on the bed of... (Read more)
Webinar: How to Build an Airport Over a Swamp
The Challenge: Construction of the new $9-billion Mexico City International Airport. Located on Former Lake Texcoco, the soil is very... (Read more)
Quiz: How much do you know about Geocell Engineering?
Are you familiar with Geocell design principles, properties and key elements? take a few minutes to check and enhance your... (Read more)
Research: Studies on Geocell Reinforced Road Pavement Structures, Rajagopal et al 2014
The study proofs, using both a field study and laboratory plate loading tests, that Neoloy Geocells increase elastic modulus by... (Read more)
PRS International Conference for Engineers with World Leading Researchers on Structural Design
These test methods more accurately reflect 3D geocell geometry and material performance in the field rather than tests... (Read more)
Load Transfer, Mexico
A new 150,000 square meter multiple use terminal (MUT) was planned for Manzanillo port to handle 2.5 million tons of... (Read more)
Reinforced Embankment in India
The Vedanta Aluminum company needed to increase the storage capacity of alkaline red mud (a waste/by-product of alumina processing) in open air... (Read more)