Effective Underground Soil Protection with Neoloy® Tough-Cells
The Neoloy Tough-Cell cellular confinement system is an ideal soil protection and ground reinforcement solution for tree protection zones.

The protection of trees is a key to green pavement sites, as vehicles may traverse directly over the trees’ root systems. While damage to tree trunks is easy to see and prevent, underground damage to root systems is not readily apparent. Trafficking, soil compaction and changes in soil levels can damage root health, resulting in long-term distress to the trees and even their demise.
Many countries have adopted standards to protect trees, such as by British Standard BS 5837 Trees in relation to construction – recommendations. These require detailed site assessment and plans to protect trees, including root protection areas zones (RPA or RPZ) during and after earthwork operations . Tough-Cells are a preferred solution for such plans, which specify the volume of soil required by each tree type to protect their roots.

Neoloy Soil Protection
The Neoloy 3D cellular confinement system is ideal soil protection and ground reinforcement solution for tree protection zones. Not only does Neloy provide physical protection for the root layer. Neoloy Tough-Cells also increase the soil bearing capacity and distributes traffic loads laterally.
By reducing stresses to the subsurface soil structure, Neoloy prevents soil compaction and damage to tree roots. Neoloy Tough-Cell confinement also maintains the integrity of uncompacted infill, preventing abrasion and erosion of fines, thereby limiting degradation of the surface layer.
Neoloy can be used for temporary ground reinforcement for construction vehicles to prevent soil compaction during project construction; or used as a permanent and permeable green surface for trails, paths, driveways, access roads, road shoulders and parking lots for long-term soil and tree root protection.