Provide Firm Ground for Reliable Access and Maintenance

Neoloy® Tough-Cells stabilizes ground for reliable access over any terrain to construct and service above and under-ground utilities

The Challenge

Electric, gas and water utilities need reliable access roads through soft soils to install equipment and service roads to maintain it  Heavy vehicles need to traverse mountains, valleys and streams, and environmental preserves, while working platforms are needed to erect transmission lines, pumping and electrical substations or storage yards over problematic soils. Underground utilities, such as gas lines and water pipes in urban areas need to be constructed at shallow depths and withstand repeated traffic loading.

The Neoloy Solution

This is where the innovative Neoloy Tough-Cell 3D mechanical stabilization solution comes in. They were designed for challenges faced by utilities – cost-effective but tougher than the ground for access for any size vehicle over any terrain. Neoloy Tough-Cells provide strong, long-term soil stabilization and reinforcement of unpaved gravel roads on weak soils that require little maintenance.

This enables the transport and erection of transmission for power companies or cellular towers for mobile network operators. Neoloy stabilized gravel yards are suitable for electrical substations as their low conductivity increases operator safety.

Neoloy Tough-Cells stabilization solutions are also ideal for water, sewage or energy pipelines. Reinforced pipes can be safely installed at shallower depths under urban pavements and reduce maintenance with reliable, longer protection from damage.

Why Neoloy

The recognized engineering strength and certified long-term durability of Neoloy Tough-Cells provide engineering benefits in terms of load distribution and stabilized road pavements. The combined high elastic stiffness, tensile strength and creep resistance of the Neoloy Tough-Cells guarantees that the Neoloy solution will last for any project lifespan. Coupled with proven smart engineering methods PRS can optimize the required performance for a low effective solution for any type of utility road, working platform or utility pipeline.

Click here to read more about unpaved roads


  • Create a semi-rigid “mattress” to better distribute heavy loads
  • Increased bearing capacity enables a 50% or more reduction in pavement thickness
  • Simple logistics, fast, all-weather installation
  • Lower construction costs by reducing amount of infill by up to 70%
  • Reduce construction costs by utilizing locally available soils (e.g, sand)
  • Prolong life-cycle, reducing cost of repairs and maintenance
  • Reduce aggregate, hauling and placement, reduces carbon footprint
  • Enable more sustainable construction and maintenance of transmission facilities.
  • Prolonged life-cycle, reducing need for repairs, maintenance and rehabilitation

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