Neoloy® Tough-Cells Stabilize Sites Even on Marginal Land
Neoloy Tough-Cell has been selected by airport authorities and airport pavement designers proven to improve every pavement layer in runway construction.

As new airport and runway construction expands worldwide, these sites are often located on marginal or swamp land. Subgrade stabilization, working platforms and base reinforcement are critical for the airport infrastructure, including the platforms, aprons, storage yards, runway shoulders and access roads.
Neoloy Tough-Cell has been selected by airport authorities and airport pavement designers and proven to improve every pavement layer:
- Form a light, strong and stable working platform for construction of heavy airport runways and pavements
- Stabilize soft soils and increase bearing capacity
- Reinforce layer modulus of subbase and base
- Reduce asphalt layer thickness
Measurements of Neoloy reinforcement solution at Mexico City International airport showed 0 pavement settlement after 1.5 years, in area where settlement of conventional pavements was up to 3 cm per month (Read more).
- Chosen after intensive evaluation by airport engineering authorities
- Highest soil improvement factor: x7
- Reduce settlement – slab effect
- Eliminate expensive and time-consuming soil replacement
- Reinforcement factor reduces asphalt pavement thickness
- Highest durability and lifespan under heavy dynamic loading
- Fast and simple installation
- Reduce construction costs significantly
- Minimize long-term maintenance and downtime
- Proven for heavy loads in extreme conditions with excellent results
- Use locally available marginal soil for structural infill
- Excellent drainage
- Suitable for soft, saturated soils, coastal swamps
Neoloy is well suited for:
- Reinforcement of airport pavements – parking aprons, runway shoulders and storage areas for containers and aviation equipment.
- Rigid concrete pavements – meets the requirements for long-term pavement design life and minimize maintenance, while reducing the concrete slab thickness by ~25%.
- Safe, green, reinforcement runway shoulders – turf surface cover over Neoloy Tough-Cell reinforcement provides sufficient load bearing capacity for ground equipment as well as safety factor for aircraft that veer off the runway.