Neoloy 3D Confinement Offers Superior and Sustainable Reinforcement

Use sand, marginal and recycled materials to achieve higher confinement and modulus improvement than with geogrids

Neoloy Tough-Cells and geogrids are both reinforcement geosynthetics, but they offer distinct advantages and disadvantages. This comparison will highlight the key differences to help you select the optimal solution for your project.

Superior Stabilization with 3D Confinement

Neoloy Tough-Cells are a revolutionary 3D honeycomb structure designed to excel in soil stabilization. Their key advantage lies in the three-dimensional confinement they provide, unlike the 2D tensioned membrane mechanism of geogrids.

  • Enhanced Stability: The 100-200 mm high cell walls create a robust confinement zone, restraining internal forces and minimizing lateral soil movement. This translates to significantly improved stability of soft subgrades.
  • Beam-Slab Effect: Neoloy Tough-Cells act as a reinforced “beam (slab),” enhancing the overall stiffness (modulus) of pavement layers. Load distribution is improved and deformation is minimized throughout the project lifespan.
  • Wider Infill Options: Unlike geogrids, which require specific, well-graded aggregates, Neoloy Tough-Cells can effectively utilize a wider range of infill materials, including sand, recycled or poorly-graded aggregates. This offers greater flexibility and cost-effectiveness.

Performance Benefits of Neoloy Tough-Cells

  • Advanced Material Properties: Neoloy Tough-Cells are crafted from a novel polymeric alloy (NPA) boasting superior properties like high stiffness, exceptional creep resistance, and remarkable tensile strength. These attributes translate to a significantly higher modulus improvement compared to geogrids.
  • Reduced Road Thickness: Studies by KIWA testing institute in the Netherlands demonstrated that Neoloy Tough-Cells can achieve a road thickness reduction factor of over 70% compared to conventional methods.
  • Improved Sustainability: Neoloy Tough-Cells promote sustainability by allowing the use of locally-available, marginal quality soils and recycled materials for infill. This significantly reduces quarrying, hauling, and associated environmental impact.

Geogrids, while offering a solution for soil stabilization, have limitations when compared to Neoloy Tough-Cells. Their 2D grid structure provides a limited confined zone and requires specific infill materials, often leading to higher costs and environmental impact.

Key Advantages of Neoloy Tough-Cells over Geogrids

The table below summarizes the key advantages of Neoloy Tough-Cells:

Parameter  Neoloy Tough-Cells  Geogrids 
Infill Requirements  Wide range (ungraded, marginal, local soils, recycled materials, sand)  High-quality, costly well-graded ballast, stone and gravel 
Sensitivity to Saturated Soil  Low – maintains confinement, strength when saturated  High – saturation lowers strength, increases settlements 
Confinement Zone  Extends well beyond 100-200 mm cell height, high reinforcement factor  Limited vertical zone  
Effect of Vertical Loading  Verified beam effect (semi-rigid slab) – limits lateral deformation  No beam effect, relies on high deformation  
Modulus Improvement Factor (MIF)  Substantial improvement
(up to 5x) 
Modest improvement 
Typical Road Thickness Reduction Factor  Up to 70%
(KIWA institute tests) 
Up to 45%
(KIWA institute tests) 
Extend Lifespan & Lower Maintenance  Extends lifespan, reduces maintenance costs  Varies depending on geogrid type and layers 
Cost-Effectiveness  Higher unit cost offset by performance and infill options  Lower unit cost but lower performance 
Sustainability  High (uses local soils and recycled materials)  Low (requires specific aggregates) 
Installation  Reduces structural layers to save time and money  May require multiple layers to achieve higher reinforcement 
Effectiveness on Soft Soils  Highly effective on sand, expansive clay, and peat  Partially effective on sand and expansive clay 

The Neoloy Hybrid Advantage

While both Neoloy Tough-Cells and geogrids offer benefits, a hybrid solution can be particularly advantageous. Combining Neoloy Tough-Cells in the structural layers with a geogrid working platform on the subgrade layer has proven highly effective in numerous applications. This approach leverages the advantages of both materials:

  • Neoloy Tough-Cells provide exceptional 3D confinement, improved load distribution, and high performance within the structural layers.
  • Geogrids create a stable working platform on soft subgrade, that multiplies the reinforcement factor of the Neoloy Tough-Cells.

For more information on the hybrid solution and how it can optimize your project, please contact our team of experts.

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