Strengthen Haul Roads to Keep the Payloads Rolling
Neoloy® Geocell haul road reinforcement keeps heavy haul trucks moving over the weakest soils in all-weather conditions.

The Challenge for Haul Roads
Haul roads and haul trucks are the lifeline of mining and natural resource extraction industries in Canada. That’s why Neoloy (Tough Cell) Geocells designed for heavy duty pavements can keep your mining haul trucks rolling with soil stabilization and reinforced haul road bases – even in rainy seasons and freeze-thaw cycles.
The Neoloy Solution for Haul Roads
With the highest stiffness, elastic modulus and tensile strength of any geocell, Neoloy Geocells can help haul roads handle the heaviest of loads in soft soils using sand for structural infill (650+ ton payload – see case study here). This is due to the high-modulus of Neoloy®-based geocells and the beam effect that it creates. Neoloy Geocell soil confinement locks soil aggregate and binds soil particles, providing strong surface adhesion and reducing fugitive dust. Neoloy reinforced haul roads resist cuts, impacts and degradation. The result is less wear and tear to tires and vehicles, and more efficient, safe and economic operations for haul roads, mine operators and natural resource extraction. Neoloy reinforced haul roads for mining provide a durable road for year-long operations.
The result – Neoloy stabilized haul roads reduce maintenance and increase mine productivity.
Why Neoloy Geocells for Haul Roads
How does it work? Neoloy Geocells increase the bearing capacity of soft subgrade and the road base modulus. Mechanical confinement locks aggregate and binds soil particles, providing shear resistance and increased stiffness. (Read more about Neoloy technology here.) The stronger foundation creates a stable road surface that improves fuel economy and ride comfort while reducing fugitive dust.
Neoloy Geocell reinforced haul roads resist cuts, impacts and degradation. The result is less wear and tear to tires and vehicles, and more efficient, safe and economic operations for mining operators.
- Creates reliable all-weather road for year-round operations
- Highest stiffness, elastic modulus and tensile strength of any geocell
- Longest long term design life
- Stands up to heaviest loading by largest haul vehicles
- Minimize road construction footprint
- Reduce fugitive dust
- Use ungraded, local infill
- Improve drainage – for year round hauling
- Improve ride quality and fuel efficiency
- Save material, time, maintenance
- Reduce aggregate haulage, fuel costs, work crews
- Save wear and tear on tires and vehicles
- Simple and fast road installation
- All weather-construction and year-round use
Containment and Landfill
Neoloy Geocells integrated with geomembranes creates impermeable, non-slip and durable impoundment for mine waste containment and treatment using one of the following infill types:
- concrete for liquid control
- gravel for leachate treatment processes
- topsoil for landscape restoration
Earth Retention
To stabilize surface cuts or prevent erosion in water channel diversions in mining, Neoloy Geocell retaining walls maintain structural stability, even in wet, compressible and unstable subgrades and offer the following advantages:
- increase frictional interaction
- improve drainage
- reduce hydrostatic forces
- enable vegetative growth and green wall face
Slope Protection
To reinforce steep slopes of surface mines and dry waste stacks, Neoloy confines, reinforces and restrains soil and stone infill, which prevents downslope movement from hydrodynamic and gravitational forces. The Neoloy Geocell solution:
- prevents erosion
- increases slope safety
- provides a confined soil structure conducive to plant revegetation
Mine Site Rehabilitation
Neoloy Geocells are perfect for sustainable rehabilitation of dry and denuded mine slopes in Canada. Its unique frictional resistance, soil-cell interlock and wall strength will keep soil infill and vegetation in place, long after the mine is closed. The Neoloy solution:
- improves ecology – water flow, soil conservation, plant revegetation
- encourages interlocking root growth via perforations, to stabilize soil mass
- enhances landscape, habitat and visual aesthetics
In addition the same Neoloy soil reinforcement solution can be utilized for unpaved access roads, railways and storage areas and to stabilize slopes, embankments, containment ponds and mine waste heaps and for mine site rehabilitation.