Bridge Foundation Erosion Control For Historic Foundation
Bridge foundation erosion control with Neoloy®Tough-Cells gave sound protection for 15th century construction, with no environmental or aesthetic impact.

The Challenge – Prevent Erosion While Bridge Still in Use
The bridge, a historical construction from the Mameluke period (15th century AD), is still used today for transport of light and heavy vehicles. Water flow from winter rains undermines its foundations and threatens its mechanical stability. The client needed to prevent the underneath foundation from erosion, while allowing continued use of the bridge – all with zero environmental and aesthetic impact.
Old Approach – Reinforced Concrete Slabs
A conventional approach is to install reinforced concrete slabs, which requires large cranes and complex logistics.
Neoloy Tough-Cells Solution
The client deployed an array of 200 mm Neoloy Tough-Cells infilled with concrete. Non-ferrous Neoloy Tough-Cells provided a complete precast concrete-reinforced solution that was able to withstand strong water flows. The Neoloy Tough-Cell structure maintained flexibility and strength, providing effective protection against hydro-static pressure.