Long-term soil erosion control for all types of slopes and channels in India
Soil Stabilization - Neoloy® Geocells provide soil confinement and soil stabilization for effective slope protection and channel protection in India
Whether covered with topsoil and vegetation for natural landscapes or with granular or concrete-armored surfacing if exposed to more severe mechanical and hydraulic pressures, Neoloy Geocells provide soil confinement and soil stabilization for effective slope protection and channel protection in India.
Vegetative Cover
Granular Cover
Concrete Cover
- Geocells – physically protect against run-off, rill and gully formation and erosive forces
- Frictional resistance – reduces soil sliding & migration
- Cell perforations – facilitate plant and root interlock to further stabilize soil mass and slope
- Unique Neoloy polymer technology – high resistance to UV, oxidation, water, extreme temperatures
- Soil confinement – enhance soil structure and minimizes impact of raindrops
- Drainage – promote infiltration and limit the impact of hydrostatic forces
- Cost effective –reduces the quantities of surface cover required (topsoil, gravel or concrete)
- Long lifespan – maximizes project lifecycle costs
- Sustainable – enables flow of water, nutrients and soil organisms
- Landscape – enhance plant growth, soil health and visual landscape
Vegetative Cover – Landscaped Slopes in India
Neoloy is a mechanical barrier that preserves the soil structure while minimizing the impact of raindrops and surface runoff. The cell walls and perforations provide an excellent growth stratum that enhance plant growth and facilitate root-soil interlock to stabilize the mass even more.
Neoloy Geocells prevent runoff erosion, sedimentation to local water bodies and loss of fines (air-borne dust) to protect the natural environment. It is also a long-term and more effective solution for slopes than erosion control blankets and a more cost-effective, natural and maintenance-free solution in channels with intermittent flows, than riprap and gabions.
Granular Slope Cover – for Shorelines and Landfills
Channel applications subject to surface erosion, unstable slopes and hydraulic forces – as well as geomembranes – can be protected with Neoloy Geocells using gravel or crushed stone infill for effective protection of the following slopes:
- Slopes/channels subject to severe erosional and hydraulic forces from water, wind or ice
- In landfill drainage and leachate treatment, the critical objective is to protect the geomembrane
- Shoreline and reservoir geomembrane protection to create impermeable channels without concrete
Hard Armor Slope Cover – For Drainage Trenches & Channels
Concrete infill is used in places with high flow rates and hydraulic stress, for example, in drainage ditches and trenches at the bottom of highway slopes / embankments subject to concentrated storm water run-off.
The use of concrete infill with Neoloy Geocells has multiple construction advantages. Pouring is fast, efficient and controlled as the Neoloy functions as ready-made forms, while amount of concrete is of uniform thickness. It also functions as a flexible slab that accommodates minor subgrade movement and prevents cracking. In channel retention walls only only the outside fascia cells require concrete fill, while the inner walls cells can be filled with local crushed stone. The savings’ in concrete and project timetables can be significant.