These papers describe research on loading tests of model rail embankments. The tests measured the strength and deformation behavior of Neoloy Tough-Cells in 6 different embankment configurations. The results showed that Neoloy greatly restricted vertical deformation by 40-72% and lateral displacement by 50-67% under loading. Neoloy Tough-Cells were very effective in increasing strength and preventing excessive deformation in the embankment. Vertical displacement under cyclical loading was significantly reduced – little displacement occurred in the last 45,000 cycles, indicating a stiffening and stabilization of the railway ballast.
Neoloy was stable under controlled cyclic loading within the stress amplitude of many transportation applications (roadways, train, ballast, etc.). Measurements showed that the presence of Tough-Cell allowed for a significant increase in stiffness and strength while reducing permanent deformation implying that an optimized use of Tough-Cell reinforcement could lead to significant reduction in maintenance due to ballast degradation.
Numerical Modeling of Railway Ballasted Structure with PRS-Neoloy, Geotextiles and Geomembranes, Leshchinsky, and Ling (2013).
Numerical modeling analysis validates the significant contribution of Neoloy Tough-Cells to the ballast structure of railways, enabling the use of weaker/inferior ballast, less maintenance over problem soils, improved bearing capacity and reduction settlement.
Enhancing Ballast Performance using PRS-Neoloy Tough-Cell Confinement, Geo-Frontiers 2011, Dallas, Texas, Leshchinsky, B., (2011)
The tests measured the strength and deformation behavior of Neoloy Tough-Cells in 6 different embankment configurations. The results showed that Neoloy greatly restricted vertical deformation by 40-72% and lateral displacement by 50-67% under loading. Neoloy was stable under controlled cyclic loading within the stress amplitude of many transportation applications (roadways, train, ballast, etc.).
Summary of PRS-Neoloy Reinforced Embankment Tests, Technical Document, Columbia University, Leshchinsky, B., Ling H (2010).
These papers describe research on loading tests of model rail embankments. The researchers concluded that “The confinement mechanism of reinforcement was very effective making the railway ballast/Neoloy composite very stiff, strong and durable.”